~ assessment report

~~ defense simulator contains probable scenario outcomes. system assumes alliances.  

~~ revisions suggested. 

~ assessment report full

~~ capital defense simulator Atomica contains 21 probable scenario outcomes. system assumes conspecific small-scale alliances among other oversights.  

~~ detailed revisions suggested, access by prompt.

~ prompt: The HyperteX Variant 

~ access: *-******


Activate any or all of the following adjustments

>Instincts+: during Instinct selection, each player chooses 1 Instinct in turn order, then chooses a second Instinct in reverse turn order. You can choose Instincts from different classes (Atomican + Zealian, Rampant + Excavoran) but not the same group (2 Strikers, 2 Engineers, etc.)

>Elimination+: when you eliminate a player, you may collect 1 of their Gear

>Bismuth-: only collect Bismuth from the Resource roll if it is your turn

>HP-: all players begin the game with 100 HP instead of 120 HP


~ contact upon testing

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